Five ancient laws of Money:

1- Pay Yourself First

Money comes gladly and in increasing  quantity to any man who will put not  less than 10-20% of his earnings to  create an estate for his future and that  of his family.

2- Invest Wisely

Money labours diligently and  contentedly for the wise owner who  finds for it profitable employment,  multiplying even as the flocks of the  field.

3- Manage Risks

Money clings to the protection of the  cautious owner who invests it under the  advice of men wise in its handling.

4- Manage Your Debt

Money slips away from the man who  invests it in businesses or purposes with  which he is not familiar or which are not  approved by those skilled in its keep.

5- There Is No Quick Fix

Money flees the man who would force it  to impossible earnings or who follows the  alluring advice of tricksters and schemers  or who trusts it to his own inexperience  and romantic desires in investment.

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